Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Oct. 1, 1943

Sixty-five years ago today my grandparents were married (their wedding photo is below). Oh, I miss them so much. Hopefully tonight they are celebrating together in style!

I love you so much, PaPa and Gramma. Thank-you for your legacy of committed love for one another and your love for your kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids. We will never ever forget you.

Love forever, your Jenzo


Willow and Sprout said...

How much do you look like your Grandma?!?! Don't you just love old photos. They look so sweet together!

Katie R. said...

What a gorgeous couple. And I just can't get over how much you look like your Grandma. How special.

Pam said...

Jen, I think you got some of your grams good looks.

kristi noser said...

I might be reaching here, but I think you AND Brian look like those two. A lot.

Carla said...

Oh, sweet picture and a sweet love that you share with your precious grandparents!!

Kara Jo said...

Oh honey...sweet sweet couple. I know how you miss them. And, as I've said before--you TOTALLY look like your Grandma. :) She was beautiful.

erin said...

You really do look like her!! Oh my goodness, what a fantastic photo.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be fun if your friends knew the inside "scoop" about Dad & Mom.
Mom was engaged to Dad's best friend when they met in June of 1943. It wasn't until they were talking to the priest that Dad figured out that Mom was 16 years old (close to age 17). They got married on a First Friday at a Catholic Church in Long Beach, California on October 1, 1943 and spent their wedding night taking a bus back to the base where Dad was stationed.
They had not quite four months together before Dad went back overseas and did not see each other for almost 1-1/2 years.
Now that's commitment!
P.S. I know someone will ask this, but I don't know if Dad's best friend who Mom was engaged to remained a friend or not!