Saturday, July 12, 2008

Into Everything


My Cait turned 18 months old today. Officially, this means she is no longer a baby. Whatever...she's my last, so therefore she will always be my baby.

Being 18 months she is also into EVERYTHING! I'd spell that with periods after every letter, but then it would be really long. Anyways, by everything I mean: the silverware drawer, the kleenex box, the computer keyboard (by the way, can anyone tell me how to get my start menu back to the bottom?), whatever is on a counter and therefore not for her to play with, leftover cups of water, pop cans, the garbage can, the drawer in the hutch that none of my other kids ever got into, the paperclip container in the drawer in the hutch that none of my other kids ever got into, the cabinet with lots of glass stuff in it, the sink, and my personal favorite...the toilet.

This little girl loves to play with water. So, if I'm not careful or if someone else in the house is not careful (and there is always someone in the house who is not careful) and the door to the bathroom is left open...we have a problem. For awhile it was enough to just keep the lid shut, but no longer; figured that one out. Now she just makes a bee line to the toilet, lifts the lid, and begins to swish away. Sometimes it's after someone flushed, sometimes not. Gross, right? Well, just wait, it gets better.

The day after we arrived at the lakehouse in Indiana I was in the upstairs bathroom getting ready. Cait was in there with me and I think another of my chitlins too, because I was distracted for a femtosecond. When I looked up I saw her next to the toilet, already mid lift-and-splash. I started moving towards her, and though I was mere feet away, I could not reach her before that little pigtailed vixen, knowing the party was over, got in one last quick little splash and then hurried to LICK HER TOILET WATER-COVERED HAND! And no, the previous user had not flushed. AAAACCKKKK! I kid you not; you couldn't make this stuff up.

So, there you have it. My eldest son ate Holsteen's dog's poop, my secondborn ate his own, and my baby is a pee-licker. How's that for mommy honesty?


Naomi said...

Hee hee hee. That's funny;)

Carla said...

Promise me we will all sit around and laugh someday.

LadyD said...

That is one CLEAN Bathroom! Is that yours? If so, you have been B.U.S.Y.

My kids have never ate poop or pee, but our dog did eat our horses poop........

Carol Van Atta, Princess Warrior said...

Oh my goodness! That is too funny. Kids do the most amazing (and frightening) things. Thank God for guardian angels.

Kara Jo said...

Oh my goodness! Laughing out loud. Read it to Abby & she's laughing out loud. I've been waiting for this post. I didn't know Ethan ate his poop...

kristi noser said...

That is really yuck--or as Erin would say, boogity eew. Well, at least you'll keep the toidie clean anyway...

To move the start menu just click on it and drag it back to the bottom.

Pam said...

Elsa pooped. Then she and Emilie K spent time (both moms unawares) spreading it all over the carpet and each other.

I threw up in my mouth over it.

NoOtherName said...

Nope, Lauralynn, not my potty up there, all sparkly clean!

swirlingeddy said...

I love "there is always someone in the house who is not careful."

Also, I believe I can take credit for your use of femto?

erin said...

Promise me you won't tell that story to any of her high school boyfriends, but that you WILL tell it to her husband. And her kids.

erin said...

Jen, seriously, that's the funniest post I've read in a long time. Submit it somewhere. Really.

Keithslady said...

Yuck, yuck, yuck. I'm amazed that so many kids finally make it to adulthood, in spite of us good-intentioned parents!

DeeBert said...

We have had poop eaters at our house too, but our worst--a used band-aid at the park. Just sucking away on it like it was a jolly rancher or something! And entire row of moms "threw up in their mouth!"

Love you fellow mother of pee lickers, poop eaters and band-aid suckers!

Carol Van Atta, Princess Warrior said...

Blessings, again! Thank you for your kind words on my Princess Warrior Blog. You inquired about using a picture. I found that particular picture on a site called Glitter Graphics. I get a lot of my stuff from there. As far as I know it is okay to use the images. You are welcome to take it from my site to use. I loved it, too. I can't wait to see our heavenly home. Although, I'd like to stick around awhile longer here with my family. God bless you.

Jennifer Nordin, LMT, CPT said...

My, my, girls, such potty mouth! :)
Gunnar likes to eat toilet paper, chews on his shoes and was caught sucking on the cat's tail once. That is the extent of the grossness at our house so far. Please tell me when a toddler's obsession with opening then closing then opening doors will end????

NoOtherName said...

Two possible answers, Jennifer:
a)as suddenly as it started or b)never.
Time will tell.