A few nights ago J was outside playing with next-door neighbor buddy, L while I made dinner inside. All of the sudden J is standing in the kitchen with an incredulous look on his face. "Mom!" he said, "L doesn't believe that God is real! But I believe he is; I'm a believer!"
I explained that many people don't believe in God, and that God says we should always be ready to give a reason for the hope that we have, but with gentleness and respect. "Don't be too hard on her, honey," I encouraged, "just explain to her what you believe."
"I'm going to go get my Bible!" he announced as he stormed off in evangelistic zeal (did he hear that last part, I wondered). He came downstairs and marched outside. I could hear him outside with passion/bossiness directing her to look at Bible stories with him. "This is real stuff in here, L," I heard him say.
A few minutes later he reappeared, frustrated. "She just keeps finding cute pictures of animals," he complained.
I thought the matter was finished then, until he returned with yet another Bible, this one without cute little animal cartoons. He resumed his crusade, finally frustrated by her lack of interest.
It was one of those moments you say to yourself, "so this is why I do everything I do." Thank you, Jesus!
1 comment:
I love this! Isn't it awesome to see our little ones come to know Christ more and more?! Thank God when He gives us encouragement through our children that they are hearing us! :o) Press on mommy!
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