Monday, August 25, 2008

Not-So-Fresh and Natural

Seems I need to put pants on my babers when I lay her down to bed at night from now on. That's because this morning she decided to remove her diaper before her parental units were awake...and then pee on her bed.

Lesson learned.


LadyD said...

You should talk to Deb.N !!! She said at 2 am her little guy woke up yelling, "Oh No! Oh No!" She and Tom found he had taken off his jammies, and his diaper... and had fire hosed the entire crib, blankets, and all of the stuffed animals!
Must be something in the air :)

theswamphare said...

Well. Cheryl, her sister Shelly or I could tell you about the time that Shelly volunteered to go in and change the diapers of one of our children (whom I will not name) and found that the child had discovered that there was poop in diapers; poop for spreading on the walls around the crib, the crib, and everything they could reach...Shelly came back out of the room and un-volunteered.
Hmmm. Well.