Thursday, March 27, 2008

Witnessing, Ethan Syle?

This morning I was getting the kids and myself ready to go on a fieldtrip at the nature center. As I finished fixing the girls' hair Karin remarked, "there! Now we look perfect!" Ethan picked up on this catch-word and quickly rebuffed her: "Karin, you are not perfect. No one is." I shot him a quick "quit trying to start something!" look and bounded up the stairs to brush my teeth.

What I heard next cracked me up. Not to be silenced, Totty began prancing around the room singing/boasting/taunting, "I am perfect. I am perfect," which drove Ethan bonkers. As she continued to sing, he continued to argue the point, until finally he launched his grand rebuke...

"Karin, if you want to go to Heaven with us, you have to say that you're not perfect, cuz if you say that you're perfect, you're going to go to Hell and that would be scary." I winced, then laughed.

So...what to work on first...? Karin's lack of humility or Ethan's lack of tact?


Joey said... it Jen! I can just picture the whole thing and it cracks me up. You've got a good ol' hell fire and brimstone preacher brewing right under your nose!

Kara Jo said...

This is great. I can just see E with his wide eyes, adamantly concerned for Karin's eternal future, and her of course not getting the concept yet but just enjoying her taunting power. Thanks for sharing!

-V- said...

Is there any question here? Karin IS perfect! ;-) And Ethan's closer than he thinks... :-)

erin said...

LOL! Too funny!

TheKupkaFamily said...

How cute!!

Andrea said...

That is hilarious. :)