Monday, February 04, 2008

"Caulk" Me Crazy

Have you ever gotten the spontaneous idea to start something and 60 seconds into it you wondered what the heck you were thinking?

Well, I was going to clean my tub and shower today (in preparation for Jamie and Joey staying with our kids this weekend--I mean, I can't have them seeing how we really live around here!). And the next thing I knew, all of the old caulk was pulled off of the entire tub. How'd that happen?!


Katie R. said...

See....this is why I don't have guests come over very often. I'd have to re-caulk the bathroom. How'd that turn out for ya?

Kara Jo said...

I love you my little ambitious, visionary, sometimes bites-off-more-than-she-can-chew friend! This reminds me of the time you had had it with the wall tile in your lower bathroom and so decided to just rip off a hunk. Oops. Now what do we do?

NoOtherName said...

Yeah, that was a real braniac idea--that chunk is still missing to this day--probably 7 years later! Hopefully the caulk will be replaced a bit sooner. Like this afternoon.

kristi noser said...

Ah Jen that's so easy to replace and should only take six or seven hours, same as any other household fix-up!
I say leave the caulk and let Joey do it.

NoOtherName said...

That thought did occur to me, Kristi. But alas, it is already done...I used one of those caulk/trim strips. Looks a bit cheesy, but at least there's no more black mildew.

-V- said...

You're amazing. 4 kids. Homeschool mom. And still finds time to caulk the tub. Enough said. Can't wait till Friday, dearie! :-)

Keithslady said...

Think about where Joey came from... Do you think he's going to notice something like a little imperfect caulk? Ask him about the hole he put in my kitchen wall with a broom handle while chasing a wasp (or was he running from the wasp?). Anyway, the hole is still there. I have kids that need repairs more desparately than that wall!

erin said...

I love everything about this post, from the title to the comments.
You are hilarious.
Will you please come clean my tub next?

NoOtherName said...

My sweet extra-preggers Erin...I will gladly come and clean your tub. Everyone knows it is WAY more fun to clean someone else's house than your own!

theswamphare said...

...presumably, you would start at one end and work your way around to the other?

Carla said...

How do you think anything gets done around here? I take off a hunk and yell, "Pat!!!"

TheKupkaFamily said...

The only way I can get myself to finish a project I have started is to have someone come over for dinner or something. Then I go into panic mode to get everything looking perfect and I get all those little projects done. I think I need to have somebody over soon. I have quite a bit that could be done around here.