Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Apple Orchard Education

So we went to the apple orchard today and learned many things. First, that they charge an entrance fee (which we would have known without looking quite so clueless had we paid any attention to the huge sign we walked past on the way in). Next, that 6- year-olds should not be allowed by their mommies to cut their own sample of apple with a razor-sharp knife (which I also might have known if I'd paid any attention to the sign right in front of me stating that only parents were allowed to do the cutting). Third, that the first thing to do when attending to a deep cut is to stop the bleeding by applying pressure. Fourth, that the staff at the orchard does not know where the first aid kit is. Fifth, that Neosporin can actually separate into 2 substances that do not resemble Neosporin (as learned when said staff finally found the first aid kit).

And that was all before we even got out to pick apples (which was great). It's amazing what you can learn on one little fieldtrip to the apple orchard!


kristi noser said...

Great pix Jen!

Joey said...

Aww...I was feeling bad for you just reading this! How can you be expected to read all of the signs with all of the kids in tow though? Hmm...

NoOtherName said...

Yeah--especially when the signs are like 4 feet by 6 feet informing about the entrance fee and right in front of the apple sample table where Jay just about amputated a knuckle! Oh well, like I said, we learned a lot.