Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Whistle Me Crazy

Ethan has learned to whistle. One note. Repeatedly--no--incessantly...kind of like singing Jingle Bells all the way through on one note. Today we went to the library after lunch... he whistled the whole way, while biking. He whistled the whole time we were at the library, picking out books. And he whistled the whole way home again. OH MY GOODNESS!

One of my biggest struggles is with noise. I don't like it, maybe because I have too much rattling around in my brain as it is, and noise just adds to the amount I have to process. But sweet little Ethan's whistling is just him being happy, so I am trying to restrain myself from harshly rebuking him for it. And so several times each day lately I find myself breathing out a prayer of "oh, Jesus, help me"!

So, if you're in a store or at the library and hear a strange monotone "song" coming from the other aisle, you'll know who it is. And the next time you hear someone whistling a tune, please say a prayer for me as I battle to retain my sanity!


Joey said...

Hey, I didn't learn to whistle until I was in my teens, and my brother then said that I burned more calories whistling than by doing anything else.

Just hope he grows out of it soon!

Carla said...

Noise. I totally hear you, Jen. I do not have the whistling but I do have the talking. Constant, incessant talking. I too struggle with being patient while my brain screams QUIET!

kristi noser said...

Maybe he and Eli can get together and make music and we will both be blathering idiots by the end of the day.

DeeBert said...

Noise-sensitive here too. Just yesterday I observed that we were three of a total of 8 people in the pool, and the noise level was virtually the same as when there are 100 kids in it! Yikes! I need to take up underwater swimming!

Kara Jo said...

I've got a whistler in my brood as well.(Abby) And let me assure you that a multiple note melody on repeat is no less annoying than a monotone one! Don't forget the VOLUME dimension either.

kristi noser said...

This post could have been aptly titled "Whistler's Mother"!

Reegz said...

I have two whistlers! I'll pray yours don't multiply as mine did! I hear ya!

Anonymous said...

This week, Shannon brought home our first Recorder.

I'm aching for the days of whistling.

Anonymous said...

I am laughing out loud...I thought my son was the only one who did that! It is SOOOOO good to know that I don't have to be lonely anymore!!! Good for you for praying about it. I try to tune out all noise, which rarely works, but sometimes....then I get the "MOM YOU AREN'T LISTENING!!!!" from the other child...HA! Then I say, "your right honey, I was exercising my brain by being quiet, you should try it." But to no avail.