Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Swivel Sweeper and The Trinity?

My eldest (now 7) loves infomercials. Every once in awhile I'll catch him watching one after his cartoon has ended. I'm always quick to tell him to turn it off, but somehow he's managed to virtually memorize the scripts for two, in particular. For instance, I'll be chopping something up for dinner in the kitchen when Jay, coming to see what I'm doing, will inform me that my task would be so much easier if we had the Magic Bullet. "We really should get one," he'll say with absolute sincerity.

I have to admit that I've bought a couple of infomercial products once they've hit the Target/Walmart scene. I'd have to say that the Smart Spin containers with uniform lids are pretty handy. And recently I sprung for the Swivel Sweeper after visiting a friend's house and seeing Jay gleefully sweep her entire house with it. Now my boys fight over using it to sweep my floors (score one for mom!).

This brings me to the title for my post... Jay had just returned from a victorious run of said gizmo and was emptying the removable tray. As he showed me how much he had collected in just a few moments of swiveling and sweeping we began to discuss the merits of our newest contraption. I remarked how much I appreciate not having to bend over and shove stuff into a dustpan. "Yeah," he agreed. "Because the Swivel Sweeper is a vacuum, broom, and dustpan, all in one...kind of like how God is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit all in one!"

It was one of those moments where you think, Did you really just say what I think you said? and try your darndest not to bust up laughing.


kristi noser said...

Next time the Brain preaches, he can use that as an illustration!

On a side note, my sis Kandi got the magic bullet and loves it.

Carla said...

Love it!
Joshua used to serenade me with the tune from National American University. You know it. Sing it.

Pam said...

My little Elsa was big on singing the tune "So you Had a Bad Day". The one that last season's Idol wouldn't stop playing.

Now she's moved on to "Celebrate Good Times" by Cool and the Gang; thanks to her dads varied musical tastes.

Katie R. said...

Isaiah(6) enjoys the Magic Bullet infomercial. He sold us on it two years ago. I actually like using it. The bad news is we got a two-for-one deal and have an unopened, unused Bullet in the laundry room. Anyone interested?

Carla said...

Yes,please. I would love one!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes! :) Soon, he'll be asking about the Mormons! What's the story on Saturday?

rt said...

Ok, ignorance is about to show. What is a Magic Bullet? I have my t.v. v-chipped during most of the daytime drama hours, before school starts hours and "prime time" for garbage hours.

kristi noser said...

Ohmystars Charlene, are YOU missin' out!

Anonymous said...

This blog is related to Swivel Sweeper that every home must keep this inorder to remove dust and other particles from the house. I recommend that one has to take advantage of this.